Legal overview: how to establish a business entity in France

Embarking on the journey of starting your business in France is an exciting endeavor, and we’re here to guide you through the intricacies of various business entities. France offers a favorable environment for foreign investors, welcoming those who adhere to regulations aimed at preventing money laundering. Foreign investors have the opportunity to take advantage of incentive programs or subsidies provided by European, state, and local authorities. The availability of these benefits depends on the type of company and the project’s location, making France an attractive destination for international investment.


2023-11-27T16:53:17+01:0027 November 2023|NEWSLETTER|


Flash Info – Droit fiscal

The French Government has taken some measures in the framework of the Coronavirus pandemic, which have implications for labour law. We summarize below the measures taken to date to enable companies to organize their employees’ activities as effectively as possible.

For more informations

2020-12-18T16:24:56+01:0023 March 2020|NEWSLETTER|
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