Nicolas Guilland
Senior Lawyer
Nicolas Guilland is a senior lawyer in the tax law department.
He regularly advises on tax audits and disputes, as well as advising on corporate restructurings and business development, with a particular focus on innovation taxation (R&D tax credits, IP Box).
He has developed expertise in employee shareholding schemes (free shares, stock options, BSPCE), and also supports companies and international profiles in their mobility and development projects in France and abroad.
Nicolas Guilland est avocat au barreau de Paris depuis 2019. Il a rejoint le département fiscal du cabinet Reinhart Marville Torre en 2023 après avoir exercé pendant cinq ans au sein du cabinet Arsene.
Practice areas
- Tax audit and litigation
- Tax-related criminal law
- Taxation of transactions and restructurings
- Management packages
- Innovation taxation
- International taxation
- Wealth taxation
Education & languages
- Master in Business Law & Taxation from the University of Aix Marseille
- Double degree – Franco-German Legal Centre (CFJA) University of Saarland (Saarbrücken) and University of Lorraine (Metz)
Languages: French / English / German
Recent matters
Capital gains on the contribution of securities and BSPCE: action for excess of power against a tax administration doctrine related to BSPCE, with annulment decision by the Conseil d’Etat (February 5, 2024, no. 476309).
Advisory for certain creditors on the tax aspects of a French group’s debt restructuring in the retail sector (February 2024).
Intervention alongside the criminal law team for a French bank in the “Cumcum” case (2023-2024).
Capital gains on securities from BSPCE: the tax suspension without worry (01/05/2024), Les Nouvelles Fiscales, n°1353, Lire l'article
Refund of the withholding tax – when giving and retaining matter (01/09/2023), Les Nouvelles Fiscales n°1337, Lire l'article
Research tax credit and non-approved service providers (Option finance, 19/05/2023), Lire l'article
Deductibility of financial charges and consolidated accounts: a cross-view from a consolidator and a tax lawyer (Option finance n°1694, 13/03/2023), Lire l'article
Beneficial owner: no parent-subsidiary directive for intermediary companies (01/03/2023), Les Nouvelles Fiscales n°1327, Lire l'article
Reflections on the new scope of the criminal judge’s role in tax fraud matters, Revue de Droit Fiscal n°43, 24/10/2019, Lire l'article
They work with Nicolas Guilland