Lionel Levain

A lawyer in business public law, Lionel provides consulting and litigation services in the field of public contract law and, in particular, public procurement law. With significant experience in the industries of defense, transportation, and real estate, he advises and assists French and foreign public entities and private companies in all areas of business public law.

He serves as counsel to private companies, as well as public authorities, for developing and managing complex arrangements in sectors such as water, waste management, urban heating, and public rail and road transportation.

Lionel regularly represents public and private entities subject to publicity and competitive bidding obligations, assisting them in tender preparation, consultation document development, monitoring procurement procedures, and managing potential litigation related to these procedures.

He also extensively works in general public and economic law, as well as general administrative litigation, particularly focusing on economic interventions of public authorities, public finance, outsourcing of public services, administrative liability, and public authority financing.


After practicing for twelve years in the Public Law – Environmental Department at Gide Loyrette Nouel, Lionel joined the firm in January 2011 as a partner.


  • “Lionel Levain is very competent. He is a trusted expert who knows how to make himself available.”

    Client review, Chambers 2025

  • “Lionel Levain is an excellent adviser. He is extremely pragmatic and has in-depth expertise in public law.”

    Client review, Chambers 2025

  • “Lionel is very responsive, he provides high-quality work and he is very invested in our matters. He is always available to help.”

    Client review, Chambers 2025

Practice areas


  • Public contracts
  • Public procurement
  • Public contract litigation
  • General administrative litigation
  • General public economic law
  • Administrative liability
  • Railway regulation


  • DEA in Public Economic Law – Paris II Panthéon-Assas
  • Certificate in Public Management – School of Public and Environmental Affairs – Indiana University
    Languages: French / English

Recent matters

Legal Counsel and Assistance to the Île-de-France Regional Council in executing construction and renovation contracts for high schools, representation before administrative courts and amicable dispute resolution instances; counsel in examining the collective’s methods of supporting economic development of businesses; counsel and assistance in negotiating high-stakes financial amicable agreements with construction companies.

Counsel and assistance to the local mixed economy company IDF Loisirs (regional sports and leisure infrastructures) as the holder of a public service delegation contract (DSP) for management and operation of a leisure island, in a business grouping with two other economic operators.

Counsel and assistance to the SEDIF (Water Syndicate of Île-de-France) in studying the legal nature of a complex contract (design, construction, and operation) concerning water treatment units, exploring possible procurement methods, and developing the consultation document for companies.

Representation and assistance to the Smovengo consortium in all public law matters related to the awarding and execution of a public contract for developing and managing the bike-sharing system for the Paris metropolitan area (“Vélib Métropole”) for a 15-year duration.

Counsel and assistance to MediaTransports (Metrobus – MediaGares – Metrobus Île-de-France), advertising management for RATP, SNCF Stations & Connections, and other public transport operators, for concluding advertising support exploitation contracts: contract qualification under public procurement law, public service delegations, service concessions, and public domain occupation agreements, and determining applicable competitive bidding rules.

Counsel to Metrobus Publicity in its participation in the consultation organized by the Grand Paris Company concerning the award of a concession contract for advertising device exploitation in stations of the Grand Paris Express lines.

Counsel and assistance to Moventis – Inurba Mobility – CityBike France (Moventia – Marfina) for participation in calls for tenders involving public transport passenger service markets or concessions in France; representation in associated procurement litigation.

Counsel to Corsica Ferries in analyzing and defending its interests regarding pilotage service conditions in certain French ports.

Counsel and assistance to Ubitricity (SHELL group) in developing electric vehicle charging infrastructures through public contracts with local authorities, involving planning, installation, commissioning, and maintenance of electric vehicle charging points.

Counsel and assistance to Shell and Avitair companies for issues arising from a contract awarded by a regional airport operator for fuel storage installation exploitation and boarding services.

Counsel and assistance to Communauto France in its relations with local public authorities where Communauto operates and develops its car-sharing service. This assistance covers disputes related to implementing agreements or access conditions for competing transport service operators.

Counsel and assistance to Procivis (Social Economy Union for Property Acquisition) in the social housing sector to participate in reflections on evolving the organization of various entities in the cooperative group.

Counsel and assistance to PublicisLive in its relations with the Paris Diocesan Association, within the framework of organizing events related to the reopening of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris in December 2024.

Assistance and representation of the French Golf Federation in a litigation procedure concerning the execution of a public works contract (execution deadlines and penalties); ongoing litigation before the Nanterre tribunal. Counsel on all matters related to the awarding and execution of public contracts (primarily works contracts).


[Interview] CCP’s leniency in case of exceeding the tolerance threshold in a MOE… really?,, July 2023, See the article


  • “Lionel Levain: perfect knowledge of public procurement and legal remedies, sound advice, available and responsive.”

    Legal500 2024

  • “Lionel Levain: very good public law knowledge.”

    Legal500 2024

  • “Good knowledge of the market.”

    Legal500 2024

Legal 500 2023 - Public Law
Led by Lionel Levain, the team at Reinhart Marville Torre comprises a small, highly knowledgeable group specializing in public contracts and procurement. See the ranking

Décideurs – Public Business Law – 2023

  • Administrative contracts and related litigation – High reputation
  • Local government and mixed economy – High reputation
  • Public domain – High reputation